Arthur Goetschy


Arthur Goetschy is an Associate Professor at ESPCI Paris. His research activities focus on the control of waves in complex media, light-matter interactions, and quantum optics. He developed during his PhD a framework to characterize the collective excitations of non-Hermitian hamiltonians, with applications for random lasers, photonic glasses, or cold atom gases. In 2012, he joined the group of Doug Stone at Yale University, where he established a random matrix formalism for the open channels of scattering systems, which has been successfully applied to enhance focusing, energy deposition, or absorption in wavefront-shaping experiments. Since his hiring in 2014 at Institut Langevin, he has proposed original models to harness dwell-time, synchronization, information, bandgaps, or localization in random or strongly correlated photonic structures, using classical or quantum entangled light.



Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris, France


Invited speaker, 2022

Invited 2022, Organising Committee 2024