Sabrina Simoncelli


Sabrina Simoncelli received her PhD (2014) in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Then, she spent two post-doctoral stays at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany) and Imperial College London where she developed imaging techniques to study plasmon-induced nanoscale heating and charge-transfer reactions. In 2018, she moved to King’s College London as a Human Frontier Science Program fellow to expand her research interests towards biological sciences. Since January 2020, Sabrina relocated to University College London, to take-up a Lecturer appointment in the Department of Chemistry and a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship at the London Centre for Nanotechnology. Her group’s research focusses on the application and development of nano-scale technologies to study biological phenomena.



University College London, UK


Invited speaker, 2022

Invited 2022, Organising Committee 2024